
Experimental Moving Image 22 minutes 15 seconds
On the 26th February 1947 the steamship SS Zephyros (formerly Dunedin) ran aground on the rocks of Brown's Bay after losing its anchor in a storm.
Its skeleton now appears on the lowest of tides as a fossil amongst the reef. This film investigates this fossil with the ever present backdrop of newer younger shipping vessels awaiting to enter the Port of Tyne.
The film approaches the subject from a more-than-representational and more-than-human stance. Using methods that can better cope with our self-evidently more-than-human, more-than-textual, multi-sensual world. This exploration is driven by combining traditional and experimental ethnographic film and soundscape techniques alongside improvisation and non-linear editing strategies.
The soundtrack of the film consists of on site recordings and an improvised performance made with the wreck on the 30.06.21.